#5. Why You Need Crypto and Top 5 Cryptocurrencies of 2022

Do you live in 2022 and don’t know what cryptocurrency is? Perhaps you’ve heard but don’t have it yet? It’s time to get on the bus, this is your last chance.

Any digital or virtual money that employs cryptography to safeguard financial transactions is considered a cryptocurrency, often known as crypto. Cryptocurrencies use a decentralized mechanism to record transactions and issue new units rather than having a central issuing or regulatory body.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money that operates independently of central authorities like banks. The decentralized nature of the network means that it may be used by anyone, anywhere, to make and receive financial transactions.

Cryptocurrency payments are not backed by any central bank or government and have no physical form, instead existing only as data entries in a public ledger detailing individual purchases. All cryptocurrency exchanges are publicly documented in a ledger. Digital wallets are used to store cryptocurrency.

The name “crypto” comes from the fact that cryptocurrency transactions are verified through the use of encryption. This implies that the storage and transmission of bitcoin data between wallets and to public ledgers require sophisticated code. Encryption is used because it increases safety and security.

Bitcoin, which was launched in 2009, was the first cryptocurrency and is still the most well-known one today. Cryptocurrencies have attracted a lot of attention recently, but much of it comes from traders looking to make a quick buck by buying low and selling high.

How does cryptocurrency work?

Blockchain technology underpins Bitcoin and the vast majority of other cryptocurrencies by providing an immutable record of transactions and a means of determining who is the rightful owner of a given amount of cryptocurrency.

The development of blockchains solved a difficulty with earlier attempts to establish solely digital currencies by preventing the practice of double spending (i.e., generating copies of one’s holdings and spending them twice).

The term “coin” or “token” is used to describe a cryptocurrency’s individual units of value depending on the context. Different digital currencies serve different purposes: some are meant to be used as mediums of trade for goods and services, others as stores of value, and yet others as mediums of exchange for specialized games and financial products.

How are cryptocurrencies created?

Bitcoin, like many other cryptocurrencies, is produced through a process called mining. Validating the legitimacy of transactions on a network, or “mining,” may be an energy-intensive activity that requires computers to solve complicated riddles.

The owners of those machines can earn newly minted bitcoin in exchange for their participation. Many alternative cryptocurrencies employ far less resource-intensive processes to produce and disperse their tokens.

Buying cryptocurrency through an exchange or another user is the most common way for beginners to gain access to the market.

Where Can I Invest in Digital Currency?

Trading cryptocurrencies may be done for two reasons: either to acquire a different digital currency to use or keep or to make a profit. The latter is very speculative. Therefore, successful traders typically stick to tried-and-true methods, tools, and platforms.

There is a conflict between trading the underlying cryptocurrency and trading derivatives and products based on the cryptocurrency market. Exchange Traded Funds, Contracts for Difference, and Exchange Traded Notes are all types of crypto derivatives.

To improve security, most cryptocurrency exchanges have used blockchain technology, which permits distributed order books and storage and uses cryptographic hash functions.


It’s likely that Coinbase needs no introduction if you’re already versed in the world of cryptocurrencies. When it went public last year, the exchange was widely hailed as a major step toward establishing the legitimacy of the cryptocurrency market.

The Coinbase platform does a wonderful job of making cryptocurrency trading accessible to newcomers with its simple onboarding procedure. Additionally, the platform’s user interface makes crypto management a breeze.

Coinbase also provides a wide range of easily accessible educational resources. Incentives like Coinbase’s Earn program, which provides training in cryptocurrency trading in exchange for free cryptocurrency, are designed to get consumers to make use of these tools.


Binance is the most popular cryptocurrency exchange globally, and its U.S.-based subsidiary, Binance.US, shares many of its features with the original. A maximum maker/taker charge of 0.1% is one of its main selling points. When compared to other brokers, this one has a modest starting rate and drops steadily as business picks up.

Discounts are available when utilizing Binance’s native cryptocurrency, BNB, to make purchases or sales on the exchange.

You may save money on currency conversion costs by buying cryptocurrency directly on the exchange since many of the cryptocurrencies available on the market can be purchased with US dollars. In addition to the platform’s extensive market dashboards, margin trading, and several order types (limit orders, market orders, and stop limit orders), its sophisticated users may take advantage of a wide range of discounts and buy alternatives.

Binance.US is not currently accessible in the states of Hawaii, Idaho, Louisiana, New York, Texas, or Vermont.


Crypto.com separates out from the pack because of its exceptional security measures, which are standard at most respectable cryptocurrency exchanges. According to the Cybersecurity Ranking and CERtification Platform, the exchange has the highest cybersecurity rating among the top 100 exchanges.

Crypto.com uses many measures, including offline cold storage for all cryptocurrencies, a regulated custodian bank account for fiat cash, and routine software peer review, to protect its users’ cryptocurrency holdings on its trading platform.

It employs many methods of authentication, including but not limited to passwords, biometrics, email, phone, and authenticators.

Furthermore, the platform has demonstrated its financial stability over time and has passed many penetration tests, which are simulations of cyberattacks used to evaluate system security.

Not only does Crypto.com provide security, but it also has other features. Over 250 different coins may be traded at this exchange, the most of any of the businesses we looked at.

5 Best Crypto To Buy In August 2022

When you’re just starting out in the cryptocurrency market, it might be daunting to choose the finest cryptocurrency alternatives from among the more than 10,000 now accessible.

As a convenience, we’ll go through the top 5 cryptocurrencies across the board that you should invest in this August of 2022 before their prices explode. With any luck, this will help you locate the next major cryptocurrency.

Bitcoin (BTC)

Bitcoin’s veracity and openness are unquestionable. It allows for payments to be made without any restrictions and is safe from any harm. The European Business Review lists all of these benefits.

As of the 1st of the year 2021, 1 Bitcoin was valued at US$29,374.15. The value was US$41,589.99 on January 11th, 2022. If you had invested $1,000 on January 1, 2021, you would have $1,415.99. A good time to start buying Bitcoins is when the Fear and Greed Index is in the severe fear stage, which is also when the price of Bitcoin tends to drop. Bitcoin should be bought at this time.

Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum uses a distributed ledger of transactions called a blockchain to function. By empowering programmers to build decentralized apps (Dapp) and smart contracts, it removes the need for a central authority to process financial transactions.

Ethereum was valued at $730.37 on January 1, 2021. It had an equivalent value of $3,111.74 on January 11, 2022, in the United States. Therefore, a $1000 investment made on January 1, 2021, would be worth $4,260.5 today.

Solana (SOL)

Solana is a distributed ledger protocol that aims to facilitate the creation of scalable and intuitive software.

It utilizes the Proof-of-Stake (PoS) and Proof-of-History (PoH) consensus technique, which allows it to handle a large number of transactions per second at cheap costs.

As of the first of the year 2021, the value of Solana was $1.84 USD. It had a value of US$136.46 on January 11, 2022. If you had invested $1,000 on January 1, 2021, you would have $74,163 now.

Polygon (MATIC)

For Ethereum, Polygon provides a number of scaling architectural alternatives, including the Matic PoS chain and the Plasma Chain.

This makes Polygon one of the fastest networks, and the gas prices are substantially lower than when using Ethereum directly (up to 10,000 transactions per second).

The value of a Polygon was US$0.01781 on January 1, 2021. The value was $2.22 USD on January 11, 2022. As a result, a $1000 investment made on January 1, 2021, would be worth $124,649.1 today.

Polkadot (DOT)

To create their own blockchains, users can launch Polkadot on top of an existing blockchain that incentivizes a worldwide network of computers to operate it.

Substrate, a blockchain development platform, was used to create Polkadot’s relay chain. Polkadot includes libp2p, an adaptable, cross-platform network framework for P2P applications.

Polkadot is particularly well-known for its staking functionality, which enables token holders to get rewards for their participation in the network.

When users stake DOT tokens, those tokens are put to use, validating and mining the blockchain, which means that every stakeholder contributes to the safety and upkeep of the network and receives tokens in exchange. When used in any of these scenarios, the DOT token’s value rises.

The value of one Polkadot was $8.30 USD on January 1, 2021. Its value on January 11, 2022, was US$24.23. A $1000 investment made on January 1, 2021, would be worth $2,919.3 today.

What can you buy with cryptocurrency?

The cryptocurrency was created to serve as a means of exchange, enabling the purchase of goods and services of all sizes, from a simple cup of coffee to a sophisticated piece of hardware like a house.

It hasn’t exactly worked out that way, and while more and more institutions are beginning to accept cryptocurrencies, major transactions using them are still quite uncommon. Despite this, a large range of goods may be purchased from online retailers accepting cryptocurrency. Some instances are as follows:

Innovations in technology and online shopping

Newegg.com, AT&T, and Microsoft are just a few examples of online retailers that have begun accepting cryptocurrency payments. Overstock, an online retailer, was an early adopter of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin. It may be used at many online stores, including Shopify, Rakuten, and Home Depot.

Luxury goods

Some high-end stores now accept cryptocurrency as payment. Bitdials, an online watch store, accepts Bitcoin as payment for luxury brands like Rolex and Patek Philippe, among others.


Several auto retailers, ranging from those selling mass-market brands to those selling luxury vehicles, have begun accepting cryptocurrencies as payment.


In April of 2021, AXA, a major Swiss insurer, stated that it will begin accepting Bitcoin as payment for all of its insurance products except life insurance (due to regulatory issues). In addition to accepting Bitcoin for insurance premium payments, Premier Shield Insurance is a US-based provider of house and car insurance.

A bitcoin debit card, issued by companies like BitPay in the United States, allows you to spend cryptocurrency at merchants who don’t take it directly.

Is cryptocurrency a good investment?

Whatever way you look at it, investing in cryptocurrency is a risky proposition. Some experts recommend allocating no more than 10% of your portfolio to high-risk assets. It’s possible that you’d do better putting that money toward things like retirement, paying off debt, or investing in less volatile stock and bond funds.

Diversifying the types of cryptocurrencies you have is another option for mitigating risk within your crypto portfolio. Various crypto assets may appreciate or depreciate at various rates and over varying time frames, so diversifying your portfolio might help you weather the inevitable downturn in any one asset class.

Doing one’s research is crucial before making any kind of investment. Because cryptocurrencies are frequently associated with a particular technical product, this is of utmost importance when these products are produced and introduced to the market.

When you invest in a company’s stock, you’re getting a piece of a business that must comply with strict financial reporting regulations, the results of which might give you a sense of the company’s future prospects.

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