What and why? Or the post Nr. 1

If you happen to be on this page, then I can tell you a little about where you ended up. This is not an advertising blog and not a promotion of any companies, here I will write about what shares I buy and in what tools I invest my money. I am not a professional investor, but I have an idea of how the financial markets work and I hope, although I will not lose my money, let’s start with this small step.

Why now?

While I had only a few shares in my portfolio, I did not have any questions to myself why I bought this or that share, but when their number exceeded 50, I began to wonder why I bought this security exactly then and why in this particular quantity. Therefore, I decided for myself that I needed to start recording all my purchases more systematically. Before that, he used letterheads, paper clips, and a telephone, in general in the best traditions of Hollywood films.🙂

Investor or Trader?

I have firmly set goals and perhaps I can call myself more an investor than a trader. I try to consider opportunities for 10-20 years ahead, but sometimes I also cannot pass by speculation. Let’s take a look at the Virgin Galactic company, those who understand what I’m talking about, I think now to smile. I have several shares of which I bought for $ 20 and will hold for at least 5-7 years, but there is also a certain amount of which I am constantly changing. But this is more an exception to the rule. To learn how to trade safely and profitably, in my opinion, you need to spend several hours a day. I don’t have so much time, so I chose the investment path for myself.

When and how much?

Within a month I select one or two companies in which I would like to invest. I try to do as deep an analysis as possible (well, as far as my knowledge allows) and at the beginning of the next month, from about the 2nd to the 5th, I buy shares through my broker.

Now about the amount of investment. If you hope to see millions of investments in certain assets, the profits that will have to be taken out by trucks, then I will have to disappoint you, I’m not a wolf from Wall Street and I cannot afford it, but at the same time, I systematically invest 15% of my income.

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