#8 Tips For Teaching Kids About Money, Saving & Investments

It is not too late to teach kids about money, saving, and investments. The earlier they learn these skills the better. A lot of young people aren’t being taught the essentials of financial independence, including setting a budget, making investments, and saving money. Only 21 US states mandated personal financial education for high school students in 2020, according to the Council for Economic Education. It’s up to each of us to make sure that our children are capable of thriving

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#7 Porsche IPO -Everything you need to Know

The day has finally come. The crown jewel of car makers is finally going public! That’s right, Porsche is going IPO. As with any IPO, diving right in and buying your fair share is tempting. After all, who wouldn’t want to own a sliver of one of the best car makers in the world? I’ve created this article to help you decide whether or not now is the time to buy some Porsche stock. But before that, let’s dive in

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#6 How to plan a family budget? Tips and tricks!

Why control the family budget? Do yo know how to plan a family budget? The problem of lack of money is relevant for most modern families. Many literally dream of paying off their debts and starting a new financial life. In a crisis, the burden of low wages, loans, and debts affect almost all families without exception. That is why people strive to control their spending. The point of saving costs is not that people are greedy, but to find

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