#5. Why You Need Crypto and Top 5 Cryptocurrencies of 2022

Do you live in 2022 and don’t know what cryptocurrency is? Perhaps you’ve heard but don’t have it yet? It’s time to get on the bus, this is your last chance. Any digital or virtual money that employs cryptography to safeguard financial transactions is considered a cryptocurrency, often known as crypto. Cryptocurrencies use a decentralized mechanism to record transactions and issue new units rather than having a central issuing or regulatory body. What is cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is decentralized digital money

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#4. Apple Vs Amazon – what is the best choice at the moment?

A few years ago, Apple (AAPL) and Amazon (AMZN) were among the most popular stocks on the NASDAQ market. Each is a massively successful consumer technology company. Both Amazon and Apple have more than 200 million customers on their Prime subscriptions. However, it is not enough for a company to be popular with customers to be a smart investment. For today’s long-term investors, let’s match the e-commerce store against the smartphone pioneer. The case for Amazon In spite of the

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