#2. Where did I invest in December 2021, and what are REITs?

REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust and this month I would like to buy some of these funds. And my eyes fell on two well-known funds Realty Income and Iron Mountain. Both of these funds have existed for a very long time and have managed to prove their value. One of the main reasons why I chose to buy funds this month is that they pay dividends, and even not bad dividends, they will help increase the monthly flow

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What and why? Or the post Nr. 1

If you happen to be on this page, then I can tell you a little about where you ended up. This is not an advertising blog and not a promotion of any companies, here I will write about what shares I buy and in what tools I invest my money. I am not a professional investor, but I have an idea of how the financial markets work and I hope, although I will not lose my money, let’s start with

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